1. Bring an EMPTY reusable water bottle

Staying hydrated is one of the most important things you can do on a long haul flight and lets face it, airports are expensive and a water bottle is overpriced. The good news is all airports have water bottle filling stations or at minimum a water fountain. One of the first things I do once I pass through security is fill up my water bottle. Not only do you avoid buying plastic, but you’re also saving yourself money. You may think to yourself, what is one water bottle? But if you’re on a long haul flight and/or have a connecting flight, most likely you’ll have to purchase more than one water bottle – more plastic and more money being spent. In addition a reusable water bottle is essential to have on any trip.

2. Bring wet wipes

Hand sanitizer is great but let me tell you why everyone should be packing wet wipes in their carry on. I’ve been bringing these along since before the pandemic and I’m honestly shocked more people don’t. I’ll be straight with you, flight attendants do not sanitize the planes in between flights. Now that being said I am assuming they do it now since the pandemic, but just to be safe bring your own – you do not know how thorough of a job they have done. If the person on the previous flight was sick, coughed, wiped their boogers on the seat(yes, this has happened). It’s better to sanitize it yourself since then you’ll know it’s been done. Wipe the arm rests, trays, window, seat belt… anything you think you would touch or lay your head on. 

Everyone is so worried about getting sick on planes and will take vitamins and supplements before… but has anyone ever thought that maybe your getting sick because your sitting in a seat of germs?

3. Bring a Pen

This one is so overlooked. A lot of passengers do not realize that they will need a pen at some point during their flight. It’s gotten to the point where I intentionally pack extra pens to pass out so my one pen isn’t being used by half the plane. You will often need to fill out declaration documents, etc. Especially in todays day in age, who carries a pen on them when we have smart phones?

4. Bring Headphones with a jack

Planes cannot keep up with the constant evolving technology. If you plan on using the plane tv at all, you will need to bring headphones with a jack to avoid buying a pair. Some airlines do provide them for free however they usually aren’t the best quality or comfortable. So do yourself a favour and bring your own.

5. Bring Ear Plugs

I never used to bring ear plugs and no wonder I couldn’t sleep on the plane! This cheap item is super valuable for your travels. They also come in handy at your destination, whether your at a noisy hotel or on a train looking to get a little shut eye.